The (somewhat) reliable source for Roblox news and tips.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Unofficial ROBLOX Trick Or Treat 2015: Game Review

Its been awhile hasn't it?

Its almost the end of September, and that means that in a month, Halloween will begin. If you've been searching up for some Halloween games to play, I think I've found one for you.

You have some ground to cover.

Unofficial Roblox Trick or Treat 2015 by JesseWellens is kind of a hidden gem. For the past several weeks, hes been teasing and advertising the game and building lots of hype, and I'd say it payed off. As of writing, 1,400 people are playing currently. 

The beginning of a mission. 
The game is based off of the old "trick and treating" concept. At each house, you are either presented with candy from a man, girl, Shedlestky or ReeseMcBlox and attacked by a Witch (misspelled "Whitch") or a zombie. If you wear a costume, you can get more candy. The map is divided into two sections: a neighborhood with small houses, and a neighborhood with upper class homes and a mansion. You can also trade the candy you get with some money so you can buy costumes. Their are also missions, 3 in fact, that you can complete, ranging from finding Jesse's lost candy to finding a pumpkin's lost family. Their is also a costume store and a graveyard. All tied up with some Ghostbusters music.
This game uses neon effects very well, I'm impressed.

So, you may be asking, what are costumes? Costumes can be obtained by trading candy for money and heading to the costume shop to buy costumes from an Elf to Spiderman. They help you get extra candy.

So, what are the problems with this game? Well, players are having a hard time putting on costumes and their are several problems with the map and some grammar issues.

Final verdict? The game may have some issues, but its kind of fun and addicting. Have fun with this game!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend Sale

Its that special weekend again, and also the first weekend of summer break for me. Memorial Day Weekend is here, and with that comes the annual sale of hats and releasing new hats. Here's some of the new hats:

Their were also old hats that came back. For example, this bad boy came out for an hour last night for R$ 400. (I also couldn't get it because I was at my sisters birthday party. ):

Not a lot of people were happy with this being back on sale for the eleventh billionth time. But oh well.

The sale ends on Monday, and I'm assuming that's when the "Purple Dominus" releases. People has been speculating about this hat since it got leaked a week ago. Some people thought it would be a Twitch code. Others thought it would just be part of the sale, which is correct.

I'm just going to be on the lookout for hats this weekend. Head over to or go to @roblox on Twitter to get hats once they are released.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Ultimate Competition is here!

Oh, hey! An event, and a new one too! The new "Ultimate Competition" began yesterday and will run for the next few weeks. Its (yet again) in 3 developer places, the places being HEXHide and Seek Extreme, and ROBOT BLOX

I've only played a bit of it, and the game choices i'd say were the "edgy" feel they were going for. Decent at best, so far. I only have one complaint. I hate that you have to switch from place to place earning and hunting for the hats. I also do like the hats in this event. They look ok to really good. I'll give a final ranking later, when I have played all the games.

The only hat I have been able to achieve at the time of post.
On another note, don't expect me to post too much this week. I'm crammed with school projects. The next-to-last week of school can be hard. 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Weekly Recap: May 3rd - May 9th

So this is some new recurring series on this blog I'm starting. Huzzah for me.

So first up this week, the mobile app got the new UI. Here's what the app looks like now:

Next, a new blog post showed off how developers are using the new custom particle system, from snow to smoke from a missile. Check it at

And that's pretty much it. Smooth terrain is coming sometime in the next 2 weeks, so there is that.

Friday, May 8, 2015

When will we see smooth terrain?

Its a question that's been asked ever since RDC West: When is smooth terrain coming?
A smooth terrain build by Quenty.

Our first look at Smooth terrain was back during BLOXCast October, when we saw the new grass and best of all, the water. Smooth terrain was first made available to certain people on Gametest5 back in January. Developers like CloneTrooper1019 and TheAmazeman showcased it off. It was also shown off at RDC West and given a release time: Spring. Counting from today, there is about 43 days left until Summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

Last Friday, Clone made a tweet saying that smooth terrain would come this Wednesday. And it didn't. So when will this get released? Arseny Kapoulkine (zeuxcg) said that smooth terrain was almost finished  and that he was "waiting for iOS at the moment" back on Wednesday, which is probably why this feature didn't get released. So, my best guess is that this feature will get released in the next 1-2 weeks.

Side note: The old face has returned! A new update today gave us the old face. c:

Friday, March 13, 2015

Looking back at Egg Hunt 2014.

Since the Egg Hunt is coming up, I recently went back to look at the old Egg Hunt '14 game (well, the testing place which is here) and played it for some time with a couple of RT'ers. Our experience was mostly lag-free, except for CS3, where our characters lagged badly. But we had a fun time looking for eggs. Which is weird considering that the Egg Hunt was plagued by lag and closings and people hatted the event because of that. 

A bit of history on Egg Hunt '14. The Egg Hunt originally launched on April 11th, but closed a hour later because of bugs. This began a series of openings and closings, some for adding eggs and CS4 and CS5 but mostly for the gazillion bugs in the game. The game was heavily criticized for the bugs, lag, and the terrain maps (I actually liked how the game was built). It finally closed on April 23rd. Despite being hatted so much, it had 14,000+ users at one time near the end of it.

So I ventured back into the Eggverse with Aokz, Fazana, legoseed, urtotalyright and robloxamusementinc. Replaying the game, I saw that the Egg Hunt had some good things about it. First was the music. My god, the music. Its beautifully composed and sets the mood for each world. For example, CS2 has light and happy music, while CS4 has glum and dark music. I like to say this Egg Hunt is like Sonic '06. Gameplay: Terrible. Music: Amazing. Same thing with the buildings. Mixing the terrain world with normal building was a good idea on the Games team behalf. The village in CS2 turns into a modern city in CS3, then into a apocalyptic city in CS4. The eggs were probably my favorite eggs out of the eggs I have since 2012. The plot was good, but we didn't really need it. The whole point of a Egg Hunt is to hunt for eggs, not to do challenges for them. 

So the next egg hunt, I found out, isn't entirely a Dev Hunt. There is lots of eggs that look unique, but also a lot that look like next to no effort put into them.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Yep, its a Dev Hunt. (plus quotes)

My friend SHASTAS leaked 3 egg textures today. Here are the links:

Y'now, I had high expectations for this event. And then this. Here are some fabulous quotes about the eggs.

"hype train fell off the bridge and exploded on impact." - ranaldo10
"kill me now" - twilightwizard

OH BOY" - Krovnik
"bye drinking bleach" - ilezybet

"ARE YOU PISSING ME" - urtotallyright
"hi" - TheOneAndOnlyRalph
I QUIT" - bawkington
"rip hope" - SidewaysEight

(Edit): I don't know whats with the highlighted text. Sorry.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Egg Hunt 2015 leaks.

So today some keen-eyed users on Roblox Talk noticed a account that's apparently working on the Egg Hunt. Now, if you were a Roblox user last year, you may have remembered that the Egg Hunt was TERRIBLE. So this year, users are expecting a step up from last year. Two threads earlier said about a account that is secretly developing the Egg Hunt. The account is named HarryBarrys and is developing a map that looks like a fort/beach. However, the account has been deleted. Some people have said that this account is a fake, and one of the images was literally a bombastic egg on a stick. Here's a picture of one of the threads that linked to the account: 

 Also, sorry for my absence. I might post a contest because of the absence. :)

Also (again), someone found decals for the Egg Hunt on the ROBLOX account. I don't have pictures, so you'll have to believe me.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

New Update to the Game Page.

Oh boy.

A new update came to the site today, and part of it is not pretty. They changed two things: the copyright section at the end of the page and this. As you can see, they changed the game page to look more "mobile-ish" (someone said on Roblox Talk about a hour ago that the new update caters to "iPad-loving 8-year-olds"). It really looks similar to the homepage revamp we got earlier this year. My problem with this is that its harder to navigate through the 4 tabs below the thumbnail and "Play" button. Another issue with this update is that game titles need to be shortened. If your title is too long, it cuts off. Overall, this new update gets a 3/5 stars in my book.

In other news, Roblox is now apparently going to SXSW. Back in August 2014, a blog post was made asking users to vote for Roblox's submission into SXSW, a music and film festival. But Roblox is participating in SXSW Interactive, the technology side of the event. If you want to read the submission blog post, read here!

That is it for now, so see you later. :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Twisted Murderer Tips

Since I'm in the mood for sharing tips, I thought I should share some about one of many games on Roblox, Twisted Murderer. This game was released last September and is still a huge hit, having 11.7 million place visits. You can visit it here. Now, to the tips!

TIP 1: How to deal with teamers.
I've always played with teamers when playing Twisted Murderer. Its a huge problem in this game and all murder games. But I have a solution.

Simply go up to the teaming sheriff. Wait for the murderer to come over. Then, try to use the sheriff as a bodyguard or jump around him/her. This can increase mistakes and the murderer can accidentally hit and kill the sheriff, opening the door for others to get the gun. This tip works best when there is a large group around (3-6 players).

TIP 2: Boom Blade and Gun.
All you really need is the Boom Blade and the gun of a fallen sheriff. Since the gun is a object you can throw your knife at it. This gives you time to venture out and kill innocents without worry of getting shot in the process.

TIP 3: When to whip out the knife?
If your on the mobile version of Roblox and if your playing this game and if your the murderer, when do you pull out your knife? Since you can't throw the knife and you can't use the Shadow Cloak (if you have it) I recommend taking it out 3-5 seconds after you are given the knife. 

For the PC/Mac version, you should take it out after 10-15 seconds.

TIP 4: Dance (and murder) Party!
This tip is the one I think is the funniest. If you have the Boombox gamepass and if your the murderer, find the ID of a popular song and invite people to a dance party. When there is about 10 seconds left in the game, take out the knife and start killing people like crazy. I got a full server killed in about 20 seconds because of this tip.

That's pretty much it. Use these tips the next time your playing this game!